Sunday, 6 December 2015

Fire Make Steel: The Kaizen Principle

The term 'kaizen' refers to that which governs the development of processes. The Japanese translation of kaizen(改善)Kai=Change, Zen=Good; it represents the process of continuous change. The gradual accumulation of incremental progress throughout a period of time results in substantial long term changes. In order for an individual or organization to reap the benefits of applying the kaizen principle to their own goals it is required that they exert a high level of discipline, objectivity in their decision making and resilience to transcend previous boundaries. Regardless of the amount of days, weeks and years that may have elapsed; the principle of kaizen requires that you maintain sight of the goal in mind. Everyday you aim to be slightly better than you were yesterday. You should be on a constant quest to seek out means and ways of being able to most effectively achieve your long term goals. Short term goals are meaningless if they do not result in furthering the achievement of long term goals. An individual or organization can be caught in stagnation of they are unable to progress onwards.

When progression ceases, stagnation occurs, and then follows a a downward spiral of regression. In essence, what good is stagnation if you are unable to continually progress? We therefore have no need to maintain the status quo; and as a result continually fall behind. A company may fail because their approach may not be progressive, and as a result they are filtered out and replaced by more effective systems.  We see evidence of stagnation within our daily lives, millions of people attend college to pursue a career only to be met with the harsh reality that they may not be able to place in the job of their choice. The result is that they work dead end jobs to make ends meet. They may spend hours everyday at your local commercialized fitness facility following some of popular cookie cutter workout routines; hoping they will see the progress they want only to be faced with stagnation. This brings us to the main point of this article....

Physical Fitness: A Means To An End

Millions of years of human evolution has reduced modern man into a shadow of his former self. Today more than ever we suffer from the highest rate of cardiovascular disease and obesity ever recorded throughout history. Despite the technological advancements we have made in terms of health care; the modern man still falls prey to his lack of good health. You would think that being apart of a society where on every corner you find a fitness facility within a first world country, as well as stores being cluttered with low fat food products this would not have been the case.The hard cold truth is that the health and fitness industry is a multi-million dollar global franchise. The goal of such an industry is to misinform the masses in order can sell their products. In fact, the goal of your commercialized fitness company is to prevent their members from achieving an optimal level of health and wellness. This ensures sub-par results and also encourages your loyalty to their brand. A fitness facility is the ironic metaphor for hamsters running on a wheel; chasing the elusive prize; yet the majority of gym goers maintain the exact physical condition year in and year out; as reflective of their personal lives. 

Achieving the optimal level of health and fitness should not be seen a short term pursuit, but rather a slow and sustained progression towards becoming a better you. As you begin to master your body, you also begin to master your mind, in contrast as your physical health and wellness deteriorates, the mind will follow. Applying the principles of kaizen towards Physical transformation will allow you to reach the pinnacle of sound objectivity, resilience and aids in the relentless pursuit of other goals.  The primal essence of kaizen is reflected in the continual growth and development of the body; transforming your body is a process that conditions your mind to achieve other goals. In order for us to make any dramatic lifestyle change requires dedication and consistency, but never at the expense or degradation of health.